An Invitation to Join the Society of the Torch

New York University invites you to become the newest member of the Society of the Torch, a special group of alumni, faculty, and friends who have provided for the University and its students through a gift in their will or other estate plan.

The Society finds its inspiration in a ceremony conducted during the University's commencement exercises, when a senior faculty member passes the University Torch to the youngest undergraduate degree candidate. Just as the passing of the Torch symbolizes the continuity of learning, membership in the Society honors supporters who share the foresight and commitment that enables NYU to fulfill its fundamental mission—passing the light of knowledge to future generations.

Members of the Society receive complimentary invitations to special University convocations, lectures, seminars, and other events; information about the most current estate and tax planning techniques; and copies of selected University publications such as NYU Alumni Magazine and NYU Torchlight.

If you have previously provided for the University in your will or other estate plan, please let us know. We would like to thank you, ensure your gift is used exactly as you intend, and provide a warm welcome to the Society. Contact Meryl R. Cosentino at 212-998-6960 or to make your generosity known.

Free Estate Planning Tool

Join fellow NYU supporters on Giving Docs, a safe, secure and free-for-life suite of estate plan essentials. If you choose to include NYU in your estate plan, be sure to let us know so we may thank you and welcome you to the Society of the Torch.

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