Join NYU's Legacy Match!

NYU invites you to join its Legacy Match.

You have the power to make a difference today and tomorrow. If you create a new or increased legacy gift in your will or estate plan ($100,000 minimum value), your future generosity will activate an immediate cash gift of $10,000 to support innovative, dynamic learning right now. While funds last, you can create an even bigger impact than you thought possible.

It's easy to get started—just complete our Legacy Match form. Without parting with any cash today, you can help NYU continue to be a global hub for ambitious, excited learners who are poised to make an impact on their communities and on the world.

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Thank you for your interest in supporting New York University. A representative from our organization will be in touch with you soon.

Join NYU's Legacy Match today!

You can create a lasting legacy for good. Your gift will make a tangible difference in someone's life, and can inspire others to do the same. If you choose to join NYU's Legacy Match, we encourage you to let us know. We would be honored to give you a warm welcome to the Society of the Torch—a community of likeminded friends who receive special opportunities and recognition for their generosity and foresight.

Questions? Contact us at or 212-998-6960 for more information about NYU's Legacy Match.

Legacy Challenge

Learn how you can make an impact today and a lasting one in the future.

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Natalie Osherow Kahn-Lipsett

"I am delighted and proud to be a member of both the NYU and NYU-Poly families. These two institutions have always been remarkable and exciting places for teaching and learning, and their new relationship will add to their academic strength. Through my legacy, I am happy to make it possible for future students to obtain the educational advantages that I received from NYU."
—Natalie Osherow Kahn-Lipsett